Reformer Pilates - Sunny Side Physio

1:1 Reformer Pilates

We offer 1:1 Reformer Pilates sessions to help you along your rehabilitation journey. We do this in the beautiful space upstairs known as The Loft Collaborative. 

What is Pilates?

Pilates is an excellent tool to rehab absolutely anything and everything! It’s specifically useful to get those deep stabilising muscles switching on and working how they’re meant to!

You will be given an entirely individualised program that is suited to your needs and goals. If this is something you would like to start, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! 

Please note: bookings cannot be made online for these sessions – contact us via email, phone or instagram instead! 

Reformer Pilates - Sunny Side Physio
Reformer Pilates - Sunny Side Physio

We can help you:

Rehab after an injury

Improve your general strength & fitness

Preventative strengthening or ‘prehab’ before surgery

Pregnancy specific to keep you strong and prepare for labour and birth

Postnatal programs to work on abdominal separation, core and get your strength back! 

What are the benefits of Reformer Pilates?

  • Muscular Strength, Endurance & Power

    Reformer pilates is a great way to build strength! With resistance generated by the springs, we will work on your general strength, endurance and power.

    Due to the 1:1 nature of our sessions, we are able to ensure you are continually challenged and progressed, without aggravating your pain or injury.

  • Posture & Alignment

    We perform all movements in a slow, controlled and very mindful fashion. This increased awareness then translates to your everyday life and makes you more in tune with your body. As a result, you will gradually be able to self-correct these imbalances or movement patterns that contribute to pain!

  • Flexibility & Mobility

    We work through your full range of movement (not something we often do when we sit and stand for long periods of the day!), which improves both your flexibility and mobility!

    This reduces the risk of injuries, pain and muscle imbalances.

  • Core Strengthening & Patterning

    We place a large emphasis on strengthening your deep core and other stabilising muscles (which often get forgotten about in other types of exercise).

    This is especially important if your injury is chronic, as you may not have been moving or using your core properly for a very long time! Think of it as refresh for your muscles and movement patterns!